In Yuko Nakajima’s The Trinity - place, community and spirituality - , she borrows the Trinity dogma from Roman Catholicism – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and transforms it into the real yet mystic apparitions of her subjects.
The Father, Son and Holy spirit are three beings in one and one being expressed in the Godly, the human and the spiritual. Likewise, the women in her portraits, the images of the material environment and the photographed spiritual, blurred and there but not there create one holistic vision of the “silence”.
The Father, Son and Holy spirit are three beings in one and one being expressed in the Godly, the human and the spiritual. Likewise, the women in her portraits, the images of the material environment and the photographed spiritual, blurred and there but not there create one holistic vision of the “silence”.
The portraits echo religious paintings, elevating the women to Goddesses, community sometimes holding the backgrounds to allow this elevation, the punctuating blurred environment infusing the portraits with a deepened vision of the women and their spirits. Place, Community and Spirituality are the three entities expressed in one and each portrait and each portrait suggests all three, assisted by the material which drenches the mere image of each woman into a physical and spiritual whole. A reverential presentation using the light and shadow of belief encompassed in the ‘silence’ of church.
中島ゆう子の作品『The Trinity - place, community and spirituality - 』は、ローマ・カトリックの「父」「子」「聖霊」という三位一体の教義を引用し、それを「実在しながらも神秘的な、幻影のような被写体」へと変容させている。「父」「子」「聖霊」は一つの中の三つの存在であり、「神的なもの」「人間的なもの」「霊的なもの」で表現される。